Our Mega successes

Implementing Government Projects

Subhadra Charitable Trust successfully implemented Learning Recovery Programme (LRP) in 2022 as the implanting agency for Odisha School Education Programme Authority (OSEPA), under Dept of School and Mass Education, Government of Odisha. This programme was aimed to mitigate the previous two school years learning loss of students that occurred due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Students of Class-III to Class-IX of Govt. & Govt. aided Schools participated in this programme for 50 days having 2 periods daily and 12 periods weekly. ‘Students Workbook’ for students was designed and prepared in the vernacular language, English, Environmental Science (EVS), Science, and Mathematics along with ‘Teachers’ Manual’ for teachers, and delivery of materials was done to the concerned stakeholders. Apart from the above, the design and delivery of two assessment papers along with solutions for the Mid-Term and End-term Assessments were done as well as a dedicated LRP web portal and mobile app were developed for monitoring and Tracking.

In this mega-educational program total of 20,59,000 students were reached through 1,24,887 teachers from 24,873 schools of 187 blocks in 15 districts of Odisha were covered. All the teachers were trained on LRP and its software along with the concerned Block Education Officers (BEOs), Additional Block Education Officers (ABEOs), and Cluster Resource Centre Coordinators (CRCCs). Apart from the above monitoring of LRP Classes and LRP software updates was done regularly. In this process, the Trust has trained almost 5000 resource persons, 300 projects (block) coordinators, 82 state-level professionals, 15 district coordinators and 256 nos. of support staff.

Get involved

CSR or Programme partnership: Partnerships are solicited for both CSR and program perspectives as SCT is a grassroots organization working in 30 districts of Odisha. SCT seeks partnership support from both Govt and private organizations, INGOs/NGOs, corporate and institutions to carry out its objectives. If your CSR/program objective matches with any of our programs that are driven by the SDGs, please contact us for effective and fruitful collaboration. May it be knowledge partnership or program implementations, SCT can be a supportive factor towards fulfilling your goals.

Sponsor/donate for children: Many of the talented and brilliant students from underprivileged and vulnerable families are waiting for the quality education. SCT can help them in providing a best integrated holistic education through the support of its associate knowledge partners. However, SCT needs your financial support to carry out this task and to enlarge the scope of work further.